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Vaccine Impact Military Members Dying and Suffering Crippling Effects from COVID Vaccinations
September 7, 2021

Jeff Berwick History warns that a Crisis will reshape the basic social and economic environment that you now take for granted.” – The Fourth Turning – Strauss & Howe Since its spectacular onset in September 2008, with the Wall Street/Federal Reserve initiated global financial implosion. The ongoing two-decade long storm gains intensity and our freedoms, liberties and rights are slowly extinguished as the electricity flickers and our modern civilization reverts to a more brutish state of antipathy among competing tribes, based on race, gender, class, party, geographic location, and now medical status. We are in the midst of a saecular winter that is guaranteed to become more violent and bitter, as the malevolent forces propelling this Crisis have decided to ramp up fear propaganda to implement their global reset, using authoritarian methods to compel the masses to comply. I’ve intellectually understood we would be faced with trials and tribulations that would threaten the continuation of our way of life and survival as a unified nation. The reality is proving to be far worse. The core elements of debt, civic decay, and global disorder are most certainly propelling this Crisis towards its bloody climax. I knew there was no way to sidestep or escape this Fourth Turning. But I didn’t expect a Deep State coup against a sitting president; a stolen presidential election through the collusion of the surveillance state, Big Tech, Big Media and billionaire oligarchs; a weaponized flu used as cover for an imploding financial system; an authoritarian global lockdown which has destroyed small businesses and impoverished the working class, while enriching mega-corporations and the elite ruling class; and now a Big Pharma experimental gene therapy disguised as a vaccine used to divide America into hostile tribes spewing hate online, with a strong possibility of violence because Biden and his handlers are attempting to provoke those refusing his vaccine mandate into committing acts of aggression. Those trapped in their self-induced stupor of normalcy bias, with an ample helping of cognitive dissonance, do not or will not see the coming storm as it wipes out all vestiges of their modern techno-consumption society. Supply chains are imploding as we speak., creating shortages, soaring prices, and possibly empty food shelves in the near future. I find it both fascinating and disturbing to observe the level of madness engulfing our world, as the sociopath class of mind manipulators and propaganda specialists use their well-honed psychological techniques to scare the masses into subservience and implement their diabolical Great Reset plan where we own nothing, they own everything, and our future is a boot stamping on our faces forever. They are using our willful ignorance, technological bread and circuses, inability to understand risk, and susceptibility to fear exploitation, to increase their power and control over governmental, financial, and societal levers. They want us under-educated and over-medicated. That is how they broaden their wealth, power and control. None of what has happened since the Fall of 2019 has occurred by accident or due to bad luck. It has been scripted, according to the plan agreed upon by the global elites (Gates, Soros, Schwab, Bloomberg, Zuckerberg) and implemented by corrupt politicians (Biden, Cuomo, Newsom, Whitmer), captured bankers (Powell, Dimon), corporate shysters (Bezos, Musk), and of course the compliant fake news propaganda media (CNN, MSNBC, NYT, Washington Post). When overnight repo rates began hitting 10% in September of 2019, Jerome Powell was ordered to start cutting rates and restart QE. The global elite were in danger of seeing a reduction in their ungodly level of wealth. In an amazing coincidence, Event 201 took place in October 2019, simulating a global pandemic, and run by Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum (Schwab), Johns Hopkins, and members of the MSM. It just so happened a bio-weapon lab in Wuhan, working on gain of function viruses, funded by Anthony Fauci, accidentally or purposely released a highly transmissible but relatively non-lethal (to anyone under 80 or not weighing 275 pounds) virus in November 2019. It appears the Chinese covered this up for at least two months, while allowing it to spread across the globe. The WHO, WEF, Fauci and the Trump hating media covered up the facts about China’s creation of this pandemic of fear. An over-hyped pandemic with a scary name and an unlimited marketing campaign was just what the doctor ordered to set the Build Back Better Great Reset plan in motion. It gave Powell and the Fed cover to unleash trillions in electronic money printing to sustain and enrich their Wall Street owners, billionaire oligarchs, and politicians spending trillions to prop up an economy they purposely shut down. It gave Democrat governors and mayors the cover to implement their “steal the election” plan through massive mail-in ballot fraud, because it was too dangerous to stand in line to vote, but not too dangerous to stand in line 50 deep at Costco, Wal-Mart, or Target. We are in the midst of a civil war, with only the bad guy’s waging battle against the Constitution, our freedoms, our liberties, and the societal norms which have formed the foundation of our country since 1776. Thus far, there has been little to no push back from the good guys. The outcome of this Fourth Turning hinges upon the willingness of a minority of like-minded, critical thinking, dissenting Americans to stand-up and stop these evil men from turning our country into tyrannical techno-gulag of oppression. The specific events that drive a Fourth Turning are never the same, as technology advances, empires rise and fall, and global interconnectedness increases. What doesn’t change is human nature, with all its downsides of greed, envy, hubris, murder, and hate. Throughout history sociopaths have risen to power, showing no empathy for their fellow man, seeking power and control over their people, attempting to conquer and destroy other countries, and prone to commit atrocities on a grand scale against their own citizens. This Fourth Turning is no different. The American Revolution Fourth Turning featured a tyrannical despot as the provocateur. The Civil War Fourth Turning saw a divided nation, with half the population going to war against the other half. The Great Depression/World War II Fourth Turning contained a global financial crisis, creation of the welfare state, authoritarian edicts from a dictator-like president and the bloodiest conflict in human history. Characteristics of all these Crisis periods can be seen during this Fourth Turning, as a global financial crisis triggered its onset, government bailouts and a vast expansion of the welfare state has taken place, and the president and politicians across the land have trashed the Constitution and assumed dictatorial powers over their subjects. Does a bloodier war await? Or will it be a technological war that destroys our modern world? The twist in this Fourth Turning has been the emergence of the Deep State, in collusion with Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Media, Wall Street, and the globalist billionaire cabal to strip the people of their rights while convincing a huge swath of willfully ignorant frightened sheep they are doing it for their own good. This is how evil wins. This is how a society devolves into tyranny and dictatorship. The immense level of unpayable debt underlies everything happening. The actions taken by central bankers at the behest of their Wall Street owners and captured politicians are an act of desperation to keep this debt pyramid scheme from imminent collapse, but virtually assures a far worse outcome of hyperinflation and depression. The decades of civic decay, initiated and encouraged by those pulling the levers behind the scenes, have hollowed out our society and created animosities which are now irreconcilable and fatal. It’s only a matter of time until the shooting begins. The global disorder seems contrived and planned as part of the globalist Great Reset scheme to create a new world order, where the plebs will own nothing, and the elites will run the show and reap the riches. Our goal should be to act in a way that would make the Founding Fathers, who initiated our first Fourth Turning, proud of our deeds and actions. The enemy currently holds the high ground, but we are the many. The storm has arrived, and our very survival hangs in the balance. I hope there are enough of us willing to sacrifice our lives for the restoration of the Republic, given to us by Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Franklin and the rest of the Founders. Good luck and Godspeed. “The risk of catastrophe will be very high. The nation could erupt into insurrection or civil violence, crack up geographically, or succumb to authoritarian rule. If there is a war, it is likely to be one of maximum risk and effort – in other words, a total war. Every Fourth Turning has registered an upward ratchet in the technology of destruction, and in mankind’s willingness to use it.” “History offers no guarantees. Obviously, things could go horribly wrong – the possibilities ranging from a nuclear exchange to incurable plagues, from terrorist anarchy to high-tech dictatorship. We should not assume that Providence will always exempt our nation from the irreversible tragedies that have overtaken so many others: not just temporary hardship, but debasement and total ruin. Losing in the next Fourth Turning could mean something incomparably worse. It could mean a lasting defeat from which our national innocence – perhaps even our nation – might never recover.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning
September 20, 2021

Nee Obembey I am unable to post a comment in to Robbin Banks message (Petition) Please note my comments below: I suggest that you sharpen the references re the legal charges and subsequent evidence in support.
September 12, 2021

DrJack Kruse The 2nd law of thermodynamics. Is the direction of energy transformation processes that can occur spontaneously. It says nothing about the rate of this process. Catalyst and enzymes control how the chemical substrates experience time in the quantum world. The network is never in the red, so the 2nd law is never violated by life in a metastable state. Energy transfer via heat which is what the science of thermodynamics is based on is by far the least efficient and non-specific form of energy or information transfer This is why using a 'calorie' for any metric in biology is absurd. Absurd when you understand what QED says about heat transfers. Life does not make a living by absorbing heat from the environment. It uses light to control electron motions. No organism can live like a heat engine, nor can it obtain its negative energy or entropy by feeding on carbon or diamond pulp and burning it with oxygen. Calories are for people who just live in a classical world of the past's understanding of biology and chemistry. Understanding that energy and information are synonymous is the first step in letting go of the calories in and calories out myth from medicine
September 17, 2021

Robbin Banks I would appreciate comments on this skeleton petition against Anthony Fauci: Termination of Anthony S Fauci and Conviction Petition to the President of the United States of America The undersigned of this petition are calling for the immediate termination and investigation of Anthony Fauci. In addition to the termination of Anthony Fauci; we demand the CDC and NIH be investigated for corruption and crimes against humanity! Anthony Fauci the CDC and NIH have worked in coordination to purposely lie, obfuscated and misrepresent the truth surrounding the origins and knowledge of Covid 19 This was done for the purpose of scaring people into getting the vaccine which is still experimental! Their actions, or lack thereof have caused physical, mental and spiritual harm to the global population. This has resulted in millions of deaths and tens of millions who will suffer adverse effects from the Covid vaccine due to side effects of this human experimentation. There has been gross neglect from Anthony Fauci the CDC (Centre for Disease Control) and NIH (National Institute for Health) who have caused the global population to suffer loss of freedom of: Movement, Opinion and Choice. This neglect now manifests in none vaccinated people being discriminated against in the general community, deemed mentally unstable, along with medical professionals refusing to treat this segment of society for fear of contracting Covid19 Most, if not all Covid 19 patients are misdiagnosed due to the faulty testing guidelines, and therefore are being treated for diseases that they do not have. This has caused additional deaths. Anthony Fauci along with the CDC and NIH are well aware of everything written in this petition and have chosen not to do anything about it. Their collusion with all major pharmaceutical companies has seen unjust enrichment of all parties involved to the detriment of the global tax paying populus. It's a sad day for global humanity when a men like Anthony Fauci, their institutions and his counterparts in other countries, can act in coordination to instigate a medical dictatorship across this planet. Due to everything stated in this petition, we call for the immediate termination of Anthony Fauci along with a complete criminal investigation against him and the CDC and NIH for crimes against humanity. We are tired of this fraud and call for this abhorrent atrocity to be halted immediately We urge you to take this matter seriously as Anthony Fauci the CDC and NIH have materially caused the death and suffering of tens of millions across the world. Thank you for taking the time to read this petition.
September 12, 2021

SenatorRon Paul Authoritarianism Pandemic is the Real Threat: Ron Paul Ron Paul September 6th 2021, 10:53 am Outbreak of judicial tyranny is a symptom of the authoritarianism pandemic that is the real threat to America. Cook County, Illinois, Judge James Shapiro reached a new low in covid tyranny by forbidding Rebecca Firlit from seeing her 11-year-old son until she receives a covid vaccine. Judge Shapiro is not alone in abusing judicial power to force individuals to get vaccinated. Judges across the country have ordered defendants to get covid vaccines, sometimes as a condition of avoiding prison. This outbreak of judicial tyranny is a symptom of the authoritarianism pandemic that is the real threat to America. Corporations are imposing requirements, including that employees show proof of vaccination, pay more for health insurance if they have not had a covid vaccine, and undergo regular (in some cases weekly) covid tests. An increasing number of state and local governments are requiring their employees and even people working in some private jobs to take covid vaccines, as well as imposing vaccine passport requirements on people generally. President Biden has urged employers to implement vaccine mandates, and government is working with its big tech allies to develop “model” vaccine passports. Government approved model vaccine requirements combined with government officials encouraging their adoption send the message to businesses that imposing vaccine requirements on their employees, and maybe their customers as well, is a good way to stay in the politicians and bureaucrats’ good graces. An effective way for the US government to “encourage” adoption of vaccine mandates and vaccine passports is denying federal funds to businesses, states, local governments, and other institutions that refuse to require employees, customers, or other people to prove they are vaccinated. This will result in vaccine requirements while enabling government to claim it is not forcing vaccines on anyone. President Biden is already planning for the US government denying Medicare and Medicaid funding to nursing homes that do not require their employees to prove they are vaccinated. This could result in staff shortages at nursing homes. A short-staffed nursing home poses a much greater risk to residents than a nursing home with a staff comprised of healthy, unvaccinated individuals. Texas is experiencing a nursing shortage thanks in part to hospitals firing unvaccinated nurses. Health care workers have good reason to resist vaccine mandates. Many individuals have died or suffered other adverse effects — including miscarriages — after receiving a vaccine. Some people try to justify vaccine mandates and vaccine passports by saying that, by risking infecting others, unvaccinated individuals endanger other people. However, the federal Centers for Disease Control recently admitted that covid vaccines do not prevent the spread of infections. In addition, the claim that we are having a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” relies on data collected from early in the year — before many Americans had taken covid vaccines. An important objection is that, if government can force people to take a potentially dangerous vaccine to protect against a hypothetical harm to others, the same reasoning would support the imposing of many additional liberty violations. These could include, for example, “red flag” laws and other forms of gun control, restrictions on access to “extremist” ideas, or a system of mass surveillance to prevent possible future acts of violence. The argument that government can use force to prevent hypothetical harms renders restraint on government power meaningless. It is imperative that we support the growing resistance to vaccine mandates and vaccine passports. We must also expand the resistance to covid authoritarianism to resistance to all forms of government infringements on liberty.
September 8, 2021