3 Breaking News found.
  • Apr 26, 2023

    Rumors are making rounds that Saudi Arabia is selling oil for yuan, which it converts into gold on the Shanghai International Gold Exchange (SGEI). Such a development would make sense as large parts of the world want to de-dollarize, but the renminbi is not suitable to be used as a reserve currency....

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  • This is the visit that Washington policymakers and establishment Middle East "experts" have been dreading, and signals that the West's proxy war to oust Assad is definitively over - at least in terms of the end of hawks and neocons' longtime hope of seeing Assad overthrown... Saudi Foreign Minister ...

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  • Mar 31, 2023

    In the latest evidence of major shifts in global power dynamics, the Saudi government has approved the kingdom's partial membership in a Chinese-led economic, political and security bloc.     Saudi Arabia will join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization with the initial status of a "dialogue partner....

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